As a customer looking for flexible office space, you are more likely to engage with agency brands that better match your personal self-perception.
But a second, and arguably more important, connection is needed to continue the positive loop once you have chosen to engage with a coworking brokerage – the professional and personal traits of the agent you speak with after you engage.
For the most part, the service of flex intermediaries is pitched to cater for every customer regardless of size, industry type or personality. They are free, they cover the whole market, they will get you the best deal…
But individual agents will always have a customer type that they prefer over others. This is true for the location of your search, the industry you are in, how large your requirements might be…
The further removed from this ideal type you are as a client, the greater the chance of lower engagement on both sides.
Their personality and approach will also have a big bearing on how effectively you can work together.
After all, a search for an office can take time, and having someone in your corner that not only has the professional expertise to get you the right outcome but also connects with you no a personal level will make the journey smoother.
We have put together recommendations for what to consider when choosing an agent in this blog piece.
Before embarking on making enquiries with brokers, consider what kind of person will help you best:
Do you need patience, diligence and detail?
Are you after energy, fun and passion?
Do you want a seasoned veteran or a newly-launched business with something to prove?
Unfortunately the allocation of enquiries within flex brokerage firms does not take these concepts into account so most of the time the personality-level match between sales agent and client is left to chance.
Much enquiry duplication in the sector is a result of winning on brand personality but losing on individual personality, as you move between brands to find the right person to engage with.
Unfortunately, once you have made enquiries with multiple coworking agents, chances are that your enquiry will have been introduced to flexible office buildings by all of them – a lot of these introductions will be duplicates of one another since you are looking in a particular location. Once this happens, things get rather complicated as agents will start arguing with operators about who will be due a fee when you end up taking space with one of those properties.
Making sure you identify the right person to engage with first time around eliminates much of this confusion and helps you focus on the important thing – finding the perfect flexible office space for your business.
If you are finding it difficult to navigate the agency market to find the right personality match, feel free to reach out for an open discussion on who might be a good fit. We know a lot of them and can make a good recommendation.